The recent rumors that Samsung was working on a new range of smartphones than the Galaxy S have been confirmed this Friday operator NTT Docomo . This is about the Samsung Galaxy J ( SC- 02F ) , a terminal 5-inch screen full HD super AMOLED and will feature power Note 3 keeping the size of the Galaxy S4.
The new galaxy smartphone of the South Korean manufacturer will incorporate the 4.3 operating system and 800 Snapdragon processor quad-core SoC 2.3 GHz This will also offer 3 GB of RAM and LTE Xi connection to 150 Mbps.
As for your camera, the rear will be 13 megapixels while the front will have 2 megapixels. In addition, the Galaxy J will have a 2600mAh battery , microSD card slot , Onne -Seg support , NOTTV and FeliCa NFC , among other specifications.
It should also be noted that this handset will be available in three different models of pink , blue and white , which will match the color of your phone's home button . The Samsung Galaxy J ( SC- 02F ) will go on sale in Japan later this October and with said operator NTT Docomo .